The collection of hoyas consists of over 250 species. We are propagating
from these as fast as we can, although some are rather slow. All cuttings are rooted and vary in size depending
on the species.
Code |
Taxon |
Notes |
€ | |
As 635 |
Basionema gregorii |
10.5cm caudex plant related to Fockea with yellow flowers |
0 | |
As 599 |
Ceropegia rupicola |
Has pinkish-white flowers. Could be a hybrid. |
0 | |
As 597 |
Ceropegia stapeliiformis x cimiciodora |
interesting flowers |
0 | |
As 591 |
Cynanchum luteifluens |
Very rough grey stems, yellow flowers and yellow latex |
0 | |
As 359 |
Cynanchum macrolobum |
Knobbly blue stem mottled with black! |
6.50 | |
As 360 |
Cynanchum marnieranum |
Pendant wart stems and yellow lantern flowers |
6.50 | |
As 624 |
Fockea camura |
caudex and spidery leaves |
0 | |
As 634 |
Fockea crispa |
The one that has curly leaves when mature |
0 | |
As 650 |
Fockea edulis |
Good sized plants with caudex |
0 | |
As 655 |
Fockea multiflora |
young plants with caudex eventually producing a vine |
0 | |
As 660 |
Hoodia gordonii |
Mature nursery grown clumps |
20 | |
As 510 |
Hoya australis |
Glossy dark leaves and white flowers |
0 |  |
As 586 |
Hoya carnosa |
very easy and almost hardy, pink waxy flowers |
0 | |
As 371 |
Hoya carnosa |
easy and almost hardy |
0 |  |
As 289 |
Hoya erythrina |
Unusual shaped leaves which turn dark red in good light |
0 |  |
As 557 |
Hoya erythrina 2780 |
similar to 5842 |
0 |  |
As 446 |
Hoya excavata |
description |
0 |  |
As 266 |
Hoya kerri 'albomarginata' |
Very attractive form with white variegation at the leaf edges |
0 |  |
As 239 |
Hoya kerrii |
The popular hoya with heart-shaped leaves. |
0 |  |
As 338 |
Hoya kerrii 'Chanrit's Choice' |
rarer form with yellow central variegation |
5 |  |
As 316 |
Hoya obovata |
Large round leaves, flowers freely. |
0 |  |
As 269 |
Hoya pubicalyx 'Jungle Garden' |
Sometimes called 'Silver Pink'. Leaves splashed with silver, flowers deep pink. Easy.Larger plants. |
0 |  |
As 437 |
Hoya subquintuplinervis |
description |
0 |  |
As 661 |
Matelea cyclophylla |
Mexico. 4cm diameter corky caudex and vine. Smelly flowers. |
15 | |
As 648 |
Raphionacme longituba |
elongated caudex |
0 | |
As 649 |
Raphionacme madiensis |
green purple flowers, nice caudex |
0 | |
As 615 |
Sarcostemma arabicum |
Collenette collection from Saudi Arabia |
6.50 | |
As 425 |
Sarcostemma arabicum |
ZW 209 southern Yemen |
6.50 | |
As 614 |
Sarcostemma connivens |
pink flowers |
4.50 | |
As 223 |
Sarcostemma vanlessenii |
4.50 |  |
As 613 |
Sarcostemma viminale |
white flowers |
4.50 | |
As 609 |
Stapelia grandiflora |
The biggest flower and easy to grow. |
0 | |