Sarrazin's Home



About the site

Sarrazin's is the evolution of the "DiaCarna" site I put on the net back in the early 1998. DiaCarna was the result of the suggestions of some friends of mine asking me to put on the web the photos taken during my trips in the US, visiting Dean Cook's greenhouses in Oregon and the California Carnivores nursery in California.

While "DiaCarna" was in italian language only, Sarrazin's main parts are being written in italian and ported also to english. This is being done after having received mails from english speakers asking me to provide some english content as well. Oppositely to "DiaCarna", which was a one-time page, Sarrazin's is meant to be a bigger project, with improving content and a continuous update.

As of today the site doesn't just contain photos, but it has enlarged and will contain information, cultivation hints, technique courses, research resumes and more.

As stated also on the english index page, the english version of Sarrazin's doesn't contain all of the pages of the italian version. Many information on the italian pages, infact, pertain to local organizations and resources, which are useless for people outside Italy. Also, english speakers have the access to far better and more comprehensive resources all over the web, than the little data contained here. Last, but not least, the little time I have to maintain Sarrazin's allows me just to port some of it to english, and I prefer to port just the relevant parts, such as photographic sections, the experiment resumes and some cultivation technique courses.

Since I am not a native english speaker, please report to me any spelling and syntax errors, helping me to provide a better service to the web community. Thanks.


Sarrazin's, the whole site, HTML Layout, javascript codes, texts and images have been made between May and June 1999 by Fabio d'Alessi, except for the main logo (Welcome to Sarrazin's) in which the background images have been taken from the net and are copyrighted by their respective authors (sadly I lost the authors' names, please contact me if you have any information on these, as I want to credit them). The visual layout has been taken from the layout I used for the site Telethon-Padova, to avoid time waste.

  Software & Hardware
Sarrazin's has been created on an Intel Pentium-II/400 workstation running Debian Linux/2.1. Javascript and html sources written with NEdit, a simple ASCII editor under KDE 1.1/Linux 2.1.

Photographs have been taken with a 35mm reflex manual camera, a Pentax P30N, mounting Pentax-A 28/80 lens, and an anti-UV filter. Kodak slide-film, 50-100 ASA. Slides have been digitized with a Polaroid-SprintScan slide-scanner and then retouched with Adobe Photoshop, at the Graphics laboratory of the "Vallisneri" Department, in Padua.

  Web Hosting
Sarrazin's is being kindly hosted by the WWW server, at the Department of Biology of the University of Padua, in Italy. The server has been sponsored by Telethon-Italia (Association for the research against Muscular Dystrophy and other human genetic diseases) and by BioPD (Website of the Department of Biology of the University of Padua). This server is being used mainly for bioinformatics and biomolecular research against human genetic diseases.

Sarrazin's has been tested with Netscape Communicator 4 and 4.5 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 under Windows95/98 and with Netscape Communicator 4.5 under Linux/2. The minimum configuration is a 800x600 display with 65000 colors and a 18kbps modem. The recommended configuration is a 1280x1024 (and up) 16 million color display and a 10Mbps network connection.

- BioPD and Telethon: hardware.
- Claudio and Renzo, "Vallisneri" dept. Graphics section: SprintScan slide-scanner and Photoshop.
- Angelo, Franci, Michela and Sara: "style" suggestions.
- Andrea, Fabio and the people on the list: numberless cp-related talks.
- Raffaele Rebellato and the folks at the Botanical Garden of Padua, for the cultivation hints.
- Elisabetta, for all the rest.

  Page last updated on:
June, 30th, 1999.
Layout & programming by Fabio d'Alessi, 1999
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