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Other Succulents
A mixture of plants from many plant families, mostly growing in 6.5 cm pots, unless otherwise stated.
  Code     Taxon     Notes     €      
Os 240 Abromeitiella brevifolia Dense cushions of silvery leaves and sessile green flowers 0
Os 875 Adenia aff. ovata Kasemba,Zambia caudex and very large leaves 0
Os 812 Adenia ellenbeckii 2 cm diameter, Dodoma, Tanzania 0
Os 884 Adenia ellenbeckii more mature young plants 15
Os 656 Adenia glauca 6-7 cm caudex 35
Os 234 Adenia globosa Warty green caudex and spiked shoots. Seed grown for some years 25
Os 597 Adenia keramanthus green caudex and furry leaves, fruit is quite large 18
Os 743 Adenia olaboensis Pachycaul plant with patterned leaves, Still rare. 0
Os 652 Adenia spinosa 7-8 cm diameter caudex 30
Os 876 Adenia stylosa purple-green leaves 0
Os 585 Adenia venenata caudex plant from Yemen 0
Os 658 Adenium arabicum mature plants with 6-7 cm caudex Few 0
Os 838 Adenium arabicum Young plants 8.50
Os 664 Adenium boehmianum Younger plants 6.50
Os 789 Adenium dhofarense young plants of this still rare species from Oman 0
Os 728 Adenium somalense Flowers red with white centre. Young plants. 7.50
Os 574 Adromischus caryophyllaceus stem forming Adromischus with pink flowers 2.50
Os 612 Aeonium spathulatum small growing and bushy with yellow flowers. Tenerife. 2.50
Os 314 Agave 'Kichijokan Variegated' Variegated form of this blue Japanese hybrid 5.50
Os 310 Agave nizandensis The agave that looks like an aloe! Tapered succulent leaves, nicely marked. Not big. 0
Os 301 Agave pumila The smallest agave! 0
Os 886 Albuca juncifolia nice scented flowers like a snowdrop 15
Os 564 Albuca longifolium bulb with long green leaves, pendant scented flowes 5
Os 486 Albuca namaquensis groups of bulbs, flowers highly scented Lav.26172 0
Os 853 Albuca sp, bulb 6-7cm. South africa. Large flowers 18
Os 747 Albuca sp. South Africa. Large bulbs with bristly top. 9.50
Os 007 Alluaudia ascendens Upright spiny stems producing new leaves each season all the way up.Young plants. 0
Os 527 Alluaudia comosa One of the more compact alluaudias, rooted cuttings well branched 20
Os 572 Alluaudia dumosa Strange plant with brown leafless stems 0
Os 327 Alluaudia montagnacii Attractive white spines in rows 0
Os 672 Alluaudia procera One of the easiest of the alluaudias 8
Os 348 Alluaudiopsis fiherenensis Rooted cuttings of this Madagascan bonsai 0
Os 776 Ammocharis tinneana Large bulb, red flowers. Tanzania,Iringa province 16
Os 848 Amorphophallus asterostigmatus Voodoo Lilly 7-8 cm flowering size 10
Os 821 Argyroderma testiculare egg shaped body 2.50
Os 881 Astrophytum asterias good markings 8.50
Os 858 Astrophytum ornatum x myriostigma perfect plants with silvery colour and almost no spines. 7-8cm 25
Os 732 Beiselia mexicana Related to Burseras but with knobbly chocolate brown stem. Rare. 0
Os 768 Bijlia cana Mesemb with hatchet shaped waxy leaves 2.50
Os 679 Boophane disticha Bottle shaped bulbs for 14 cm pot 25
Os 691 Boophane disticha large round bulbs for 14 cm pot 35
Os 874 Boswellia dioscorides Young plants of this dwarf Socotran species 35
Os 577 Boswellia elongata Nicely marked bronzed leaves. From Socotra.Young plants. 35
Os 599 Boswellia neglecta Kenyan frankincense. Nice bonsai shapes. 60
Os 621 Boswellia neglecta young plants 0
Os 782 Boswellia sacra young plants of the frankincense plant from Oman 30
Os 873 Boswellia socotrana Young plants of this Socotran species with delicate foliage 40
Os 847 Bowiea volubilis an old favourite with good clean bulb 3.5-4.5 cm 7.50
Os 748 Brunsvigia grandiflora Large South African bulb. Red flowers.for 20 cm pot 28
Os 587 Bulbine natalensis flowers freely orange and yellow 2.50
Os 490 Bursera fagaroides aromatic succulents, ideal for bonsai or let them grow into shrublets 10
Os 795 Bursera hindsiana Not fast growing but robust, young plants 0
Os 566 Bursera odorata Similar to B. fagaroides but leaves have a stronger aroma 10
Os 817 Bursera schlechtendalii young plants from seeds as Commiphora 0
Os 335 Cephalopentandra ecirrhosa Cucurbit from Kenya with knobbly caudex like a brain. 25
Os 735 Cephalopentandra sp. nova Caudex is more round, squat and rough than ecirrhosa 0
Os 842 Cissus congestum caudex plant with vine. Slow growing. 8.50
Os 822 Cissus quadrangularis propagations from a collection in Kenya 0
Os 775 Coccinia sp. Wangala Kenya caudiciform 0
Os 660 Commiphora abyssinica myrrh, seed grown from mother plants obtained with this name but could be Bursera 0
Os 840 Commiphora aff. pyracanthoides Rooted cuttings 10
Os 800 Commiphora kraeuseliana feathery leaves, seedlings, very rare and slow 0
Os 793 Commiphora longipedicellata About 5 years from seed with trunk and many leaf petioles 0
Os 488 Commiphora mildbraedii Plants starting to form the angled brown stem. 0
Os 797 Commiphora pteleifolia look interesting, young plants 0
Os 794 Commiphora sp, green bark, said to be spiny but not seen yet 0
Os 796 Commiphora sp. blue peeling bark when mature, young plants 0
Os 841 Commiphora sp. Teryangombe Young plants. Black stem. 0
Os 575 Commiphora trilobata Young plants already forming trunks 0
Os 358 Conophytum hians clumps of peas with yellow flowers 0
Os 659 Corallocarpus bainesii grey lumpy caudex 0
Os 843 Crassula ovata variegated Variegated jade plant 2.50
Os 680 Cyphia linarioides Campanulaceae large caudex 8-9 cm and blue flowers 18
Os 891 Cyphostemma adenocaule Kenya. Young plants with caudex. 12
Os 339 Cyphostemma betiforme Still uncommon caudiciform Northern Kenya 0
Os 832 Cyphostemma cirrhosum Caudex and bright green vine. For 15 cm pot 0
Os 833 Cyphostemma cirrhosum Larger caudex for 20 cm pot 35
Os 573 Cyphostemma currori fleshy slightly hairy leaves and smooth stem 0
Os 328 Cyphostemma juttae Young plants of this caudex plant 0
Os 845 Cyphostemma juttae specimen plants 10 cm diameter 60
Os 892 Cyphostemma pachypus young plants. Madagascar. Eventually big caudex 18
Os 579 Cyphostemma quinatum Nice caudex 0
Os 736 Cyphostemma sp, nova Ngare Mara, Kenya. Wrinkled caudex. Vine. 0
Os 896 Cyphostemma uter v.macropus 16 cm caudex perfect field grown plants, limited 460
Os 867 Cyrtanthus obliquus spiralling leaves and large pendulous flowers for 20cmpot 25
Os 863 Cyrtanthus spiralis corkscrew leaves and red flowers 10
Os 317 Decarya madagascariensis Rooted cuttings of the Madagascan zig-zag plant. Rarely offered. 0
Os 879 Dendrosicyos socotrana strong young plants of the still rare tree cucumber 0
Os 243 Didiera madagascariensis Densely spiny columns with strip like leaves 0
Os 325 Didiera petignatii sp. nova Long tapered leaves and spines 0
Os 326 Didiera trollii Still very uncommon. Limited. 0
Os 223 Dioscorea elephantipes Corky caudex, the 'Elephant's Foot' of South Africa 7-8 cm diameter 20
Os 786 Dioscorea elephantipes v.montana variety with highly fissured caudex 4-5 cm diameter 15
Os 829 Dioscorea mexicana Nice even caudex for 6-7 cm pot 0
Os 830 Dioscorea mexicana Good size caudex for 8-10 cm pot 35
Os 721 Dioscorea sp. Taru vine with large tubers which emerge from the soil. Unusual. 0
Os 831 Dioscorea sylvatica Good size caudex for 12-15 cm pot 40
Os 640 Dorstenia barnimiana Mukondoni, Kenya.large leaves, caudex 0
Os 703 Dorstenia barnimiana West Mbeya Tanzania 0
Os 627 Dorstenia barnimiana Marsabit form with trilobed reddish leaves, nice caudex 0
Os 336 Dorstenia crispa v.crispa Mutomo form with attractive leaves and less sensitive 0
Os 726 Dorstenia crispa v.lancifolia less sensitive form 0
Os 639 Dorstenia foetida 8-12 cm tall 8.50
Os 783 Dorstenia gigas young plants 4-5cm of this rarity from Socotra 35
Os 878 Dorstenia hildebrandtii v.crispa nice fat caudex and crinkly leaves 0
Os 791 Dorstenia horwoodii Still quite rare, from Somalia, young plants 0
Os 792 Dorstenia lavranii Rarely offered, attractive young plants 0
Os 666 Dorstenia zanzibarica fleshy stems flowering continuously 0
Os 871 Dracaena cinnabari Young plants of the Socotran dragon tree 28
Os 868 Drimia altissima Giant Drimia with large leaves and tall flower spike for 20cm pot 25
Os 895 Epithelantha micromeris nice clean plants 5.50
Os 757 Eriospermum abyssinicum Igava to Madibira, Tanzania 0
Os 684 Eriospermum cooperi 5-8 cm caudex with large leaves 18
Os 808 Eriospermum dregei 4-5 cm knobbly caudex, fuzzy leaves in winter 10
Os 810 Eriospermum paradoxum 5-8 cm caudex, fuzzy leaves in winter 10
Os 889 Erodium manescavii Nice pink flowers. Needs water! 4.50
Os 320 Eulophia petersii Succulent orchid from Arabia 30
Os 849 Eulophia speciosa succulent orchid with yellow flowers 0
Os 561 Ferocactus latispinus spreading reddish spines 3
Os 737 Ficus aff.cordata Caudex and small leaves. 8.50
Os 758 Ficus petiolaris attractive leaves, caudex 9.50
Os 567 Fouquiera diguettii stout stems and red flowers 8
Os 353 Fouquiera formosa Uncommon species with yellow bark 8
Os 247 Fouquiera macdougallii Ocotillo, forming a nice trunk 8
Os 316 Fouquiera splendens Maturing plants. Red flowers. 0
Os 642 Gibbaeum haagei grey-green bodies and pink flowers 2.50
Os 302 Haemanthus albiflos The shaving-brush flower, a bulb. 5.50
Os 673 Haemanthus coccineus lovely red flowers in the autumn 15
Os 869 Haemanthus coccineus 7-8cm flowering size,Red flowers. 25
Os 816 Haemanthus multiflorus 3-4 cm bulbs that will flower with a ball of red flowers 8
Os 769 Hereroa puttkameriana small clumps with nice flowers 2.50
Os 536 Hypoxis hemerocallidea very large bristly bulbs, flower yellow. For 27 cm pot 0
Os 350 Idria columnaris seedlings of the Boojum tree 0
Os 760 Ipomoea albivenia Pachycaul with thick stem and white flowers 0
Os 692 Ipomoea bolusii Large caudex and pink flowers, for 14 cm pot 35
Os 846 Ipomoea bolusii larger plants for 20 cm pot 38
Os 761 Ipomoea platense caudex partly underground, violet flowers 0
Os 674 Ipomoea simplex 2-3 cm caudex plant with many pink flowers 9.50
Os 861 Jatropha dichtar Few only as seeds do not always germinate 25
Os 545 Kalanchoe linearifolia Bright red flowers 5.50
Os 614 Kalanchoe robusta Socotra. Looks a bit like a Crassula ovata until you see the bright orange flowers 0
Os 811 Kedrostris africana For 20 cm pot size. Nice clean caudex. 0
Os 897 Kleinia articulata variegated Attractive pink and green variegated leaves 10
Os 089 Kleinia butleri New species from Oman. Stems are thick and upright. Orange-red flowers. Very limited 0
Os 667 Kleinia lauchsii Yellow flowered species from Oman, stems like K.saginata 0
Os 361 Kleinia pendula succulent curving stems and red flowers 0
Os 031 Kleinia saginata Propagations from material collected in Oman. Interesting 0
Os 553 Lapidaria margaretae leaves like porcelain 0
Os 850 Ledebouria leptophylla bulb, 4-5 cm. Grassy foliage and purple flowers 0
Os 851 Ledebouria zebrina bulb 5-6cm. Large spotted leaves and bunchy flowers 15
Os 647 Lithops aucampiae red brown colour 0
Os 650 Lithops julii v.fulleri Beige with orange tops 0
Os 648 Lithops lesliei grey bodies 0
Os 651 Lithops lesliei v.albinica yellow green bodies 0
Os 613 Mangave 'Bloodspot' Hybrid of Agave and Manfreda with bluish leaves spotted with purple 6
Os 885 Marginatocereus marginatus cereoid cactus 5
Os 649 Marniera macroptera Orchid cactus with large white flowers 0
Os 900 Mestoklema elatum white flowers 18
Os 807 Mestoklema tuberosum Big swollen caudex 25
Os 729 Momordica rostrata grooved tapered caudex, red fruits 0
Os 618 Momordica spinosa Spiny stem and fragrant leaves 0
Os 645 Monilaria pisiformis Like stacking peas! 0
Os 894 Obregonia denegrii flowering size perfect seed grown plants 18
Os 872 Oeoeceoclades calcarata Madagascan terrestrial succulent orchid (syn. Eulophia paniculata) 0
Os 532 Operculicaria decaryi plants over 30cm tall forming nice trunks 35
Os 865 Operculicaria decaryi Root cuttings with thick base making good bonsai shapes 0
Os 864 Operculicaria decaryi Young plants already taking shape 0
Os 814 Operculicaria pachypus well established 2 cm thick root cuttings already making nice plants 60
Os 870 Ornithogalum juncifolium Thin rush-like leaves and white flowers 8.50
Os 882 Ornithogalum sardienii clumps of these miniature bulbs with grassy leaves 7.50
Os 511 Othonna clavifolia fleshy leaves and stem and bright yellow flowers 0
Os 538 Othonna cremnophila lovely little plants with a white woolly stem and glaucous leaves 0
Os 284 Othonna euphorbioides Dwarf spiky plant, winter grower 0
Os 530 Othonna herrei Young plants with knobbly brown stems 0
Os 720 Othonna lepidocaulis scaly stems 0
Os 753 Othonna retrorsa Young plants already forming a caudex and network of dried leaves 0
Os 539 Othonna triplinerva little bonsai shapes 6.50
Os 887 Othonna triplinerva hybrids looks like they were cross pollinated with O. herrei 6.50
Os 615 Othonna tuberosa caudiciform eventually forming a large tuber and relatively large yellow flowers. Young plants 0
Os 487 Pachycormus discolor young plants of this Mexican caudiciform 0
Os 784 Pachypodium baronii red flowering pachypodium, 10 cm Mandritsara 0
Os 877 Pachypodium baronii v.windsori strong young plants 0
Os 676 Pachypodium bispinosum Flowering size with large caudex 18
Os 719 Pachypodium brevicaule grafted seedlings, flowering size 12
Os 815 Pachypodium brevicaule ssp leucoxanthum 2 cm grafted plants, white flowered form, flowering size 15
Os 677 Pachypodium succulentum Flowering size plants with caudex for 9 cm pot 14
Os 616 Peireskia grandiflora Leafy cactus with large pink flowers 0
Os 836 Pelargonium acetosum smooth glaucous somewhat fleshy leaves and orange flowers 0
Os 828 Pelargonium alternans Thick clumping stems and feathery leaves 0
Os 250 Pelargonium appendiculatum Caudiciform with very hairy leaves 0
Os 770 Pelargonium aridum Feathery leaves, thick roots and yellowish flowers 3.50
Os 661 Pelargonium auritum ssp.auritum caudex with pink and sometimes reddish flowers 0
Os 824 Pelargonium auritum v.carneum caudex. flowers have red upper petal 6.50
Os 241 Pelargonium barkleyi Attractively marked grey-green leaves and white flowers, caudex 0
Os 546 Pelargonium carnosum (ferulaceum) strong succulent stems that will clump 4.50
Os 373 Pelargonium caylae climbing pelargonium from Madagascar with beautiful glowing pink flowers 0
Os 888 Pelargonium chamaedrifolia young plants, regular flowerer 4.50
Os 533 Pelargonium cotyledonis Young plants with succulent stem and crinkly leaves. Slow. St Helena 0
Os 823 Pelargonium cotyledonis 'Ventnor' The form with glaucous leaves of this rarity from St. Helena 0
Os 766 Pelargonium crithmifolium seedlings 10 cm 4.50
Os 662 Pelargonium curviandrum caudex and attractive white speckled flowers 0
Os 825 Pelargonium dolomiticum Forms a woody base and pink flowers. Uncommon 0
Os 890 Pelargonium echinatum special spineless form collected by Lavranos 5.50
Os 899 Pelargonium elongatum Pretty pale green leaves with zonal markings, white flowers on long stems 4.50
Os 286 Pelargonium fulgidum The brightest red flowers I have ever seen! 4.50
Os 252 Pelargonium gibbosum The 'gouty' pelargonium with swoillen nodes, nice white flowers flecked red 4.50
Os 555 Pelargonium hirtum Feathery leaves and pink flowers. Stays small 3.50
Os 501 Pelargonium ionidiflorum delicate leaves and many dark pink flowers 0
Os 670 Pelargonium lawrencianum hybrid of fulgidum x lobatum 0
Os 374 Pelargonium laxum Thick succulent stems and bright green leaves that recurve palm like 5.50
Os 261 Pelargonium lobatum Caudex, attractive purple and white flowers 15
Os 712 Pelargonium luridum Ruvuma province, Tanzania, large caudex 0
Os 610 Pelargonium mollicomum apple scented leaves 4.50
Os 826 Pelargonium mutans Hairy leaves and white flowers 0
Os 898 Pelargonium myrrhifolium Attractive leaves with reddish centre, white flowers 5.50
Os 827 Pelargonium myrrhifolium v.coriandrifolium Leaves like coriander and large white flowers 0
Os 211 Pelargonium oblongatum Geophyte with enormous yellow flowers. One of the best. 0
Os 671 Pelargonium ochroleucum caudex, pretty white and yellow flowers on long stems 0
Os 444 Pelargonium pulverulentum caudex, almost black flowers 15
Os 837 Pelargonium rapaceum caudex and carrot like foliage. Flowers pale yellow 0
Os 773 Pelargonium schizopetalum Unusual shaggy flowers 0
Os 254 Pelargonium sidoides Round silvery leaves and almost black fragrent flowers 0
Os 901 Pelargonium sp. nova caudex 15
Os 608 Pelargonium tetragonum succulent green stems and large pink flowers. Easy and attractive 4.50
Os 214 Pelargonium triste Seedlings just producing a caudex, feathery leaves. 6.50
Os 852 Phyllanthus mirabilis caudex for 14 cm pot. Elegant foliage and tiny flowers 17
Os 047 Plectranthus cylindraceus From Oman with very succulent and aromatic leaves. 0
Os 552 Pleiospilos bolusii mature flowering plants 2.50
Os 799 Pleiospilos nelii 2.50
Os 820 Pleiospilos simulans More delicate looking than bolusii 2.50
Os 806 Pterodiscus makatiniensis 3.4-4 cm caudex, yellow flowers 0
Os 855 Pterodiscus makatiniensis larger plants. 4-4.5cm caudex 0
Os 854 Pterodiscus speciosus 7-8cm caudex. Pink flowers 0
Os 751 Pyrenacantha malvifolia Caudex and glossy leaves 0
Os 862 Rechsteinaria leucotricha Silvery leaves and orange flowers. Young plants. 0
Os 688 Sarcocaulon crassicaule Seedlings producing spiny stems 0
Os 902 Sarcocaulon vanderietiae Well branched bonsai shapes 25
Os 718 Schizobasis intricata wiry stems and flowers larger than Bowiea 0
Os 856 Scilla saturata A special form of Ledebouria cooperi. For 20cm pot 18
Os 771 Sedum 'Lime Twister' Attractive variegated leaves 0
Os 801 Sedum morganianum 'Burrito' clumps for hanging pots 3.50
Os 818 Selenicereus grandiflorus Queen of the Night cactus 5
Os 592 Senecio fulgens Blue leaves and red flowers from a tuberous root. Large clumps 7.50
Os 893 Senecio haworthii plant is covered in white felt 5.50
Os 803 Senna meridionalis young seed grown plants with thick stem 18
Os 565 Seyrigia humbertii fuzzy white stems and a big tuber or caudex 5.50
Os 883 Seyrigia humbertii larger plants 7.50
Os 804 Stephania rotundifolia caudiciform nasturtium with good size caudex for 14 cm pot 0
Os 805 Talinum caffrum 5-6 cm caudex 18
Os 562 Thelocactus hexaedrophorus nice blue bodies 2
Os 781 Trachyandra saltii elongated caudex, looks like a small palm tree 8.50
Os 730 Trachyandra sp. Taru low growing form 0
Os 903 Trichocereus pachanoi cristata variegata Nice clean crests, one side green, one side yellow 9.50
Os 752 Trichodiademia bulbosum Mesemb with big swollen roots partly above ground 0
Os 540 Tylecodon buchholzianus small winter grower with nice flowers, clumps 9.50
Os 835 Tylecodon paniculata Good size caudex for 20 cm pot 25
Os 678 Tylecodon wallichii Winter grower with knobbly stems around 18 cm tall 25
Os 859 Tylosema fassoglensis caudex and attractive leaves 0
Os 880 Tylosema fassoglensis large caudex and attractive vine 0
Os 578 Uncarina decaryi Yellow flowers 0
Os 290 Uncarina grandidieri Madagascan shrub which will produce masses of bright yellow flowers with a black centre 0
Os 785 Uncarina leptocarpa rare species with white flowers, young plants 0
Os 387 Uncarina peltata large yellow flowers 0
Os 388 Uncarina roeoesliana round caudex and yellow flowers 0
Os 802 Uncarina roeoesliana yellow flowers and caudex, larger plants 25
Os 819 Wilcoxia poselgeri Thin stems forming tuber, large violet flowers 4
Os 259  Xerosicyos danguyi A cucurbit with fleshy circular leaves, the 'Penny plant' 0
Os 778 Xerosicyos perrieri Climbing cucurbit with succulent oval leaves, Madagascar 6
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